Retreat topic:
When we are giving too much importance to things, we are constantly creating tension in ourselves and with others. Our mind has the habit of believing or thinking that a specific value, a specific person, a specific event or object has some inherent absolute capacity to make us happy. In this retreat we will explore how we project our happiness and learn how to regain clarity and love within our own dimension. We will use various mind trainings and meditative experiences in order to free ourselves from this conditioning and taste what life could be when the mind understand its own condition. The sessions will be filled with practical exercises, collaborative activities and explanations.
Retreat objective::
- Clarify what the notion of Presence and of Awareness
- Explore our limiting believes on what we think is important
- Experience methods from the Dzogchen Teachings that relaxes the mind
- Stabilise a way to live beyond conditioning thoughts
Retreat requirement:
Being interested in following the teachings of Yeshi Namkhai and Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. If you haven't received any Dzogchen Teachings and Transmission from them, please do the following:
- Compulsory: Attend an 'Introduction to Dzogchen' session with Arnaud Coquillard in person. There will be one on Friday 2, 2025 from 10-12am at the retreat location.
- Try to attend Yeshi Namkhai teachings (online or in person). Yeshi Namkai Dzogchen Teaching Live Webcast
- Read Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's litterature on Dzogchen (The Mirror, advice on Presence and Awareness ; The Crystal and the way of light ; ...).
- Watch Youtube video of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's teachings.
- - Friday morning only: $30
- Onsite: Paying fees of $300 for non members, $200 for ordinary members or $100 for local sustaining members or $45 for global sustaining members.
- Online: Participation will be possible on request for participants that have already received Dzogchen teachings before from this lineage with a fee of $45.
However nobody will be turned away from lack of funds
Retreat Program:
There is accommodation onsite for 12 people only at $60 per couple per night and $40 single per night
Daily program (subject to change):
7.00-8.30am: Teachings and practice (not on Friday)
8.30-10.00am: breakfast
10.00-12.00pm: Teachings and practice
12.00-3.00pm: Lunch and relax
3.00-5.30pm: Teachings and practice