Online Yantra Yoga and Respira Classes
are ongoing until further notice

Weekly Classes taught by authorised Yantra Yoga instructors Oni McKinstry (level III), Emily Coleing (level II) and Mathew Long (level I)

Times are in Sydney, NSW AU AEST Zone- UTC+10.
Please check here:

Open - Beginner to Intermediate Yantra Practice: Wednesdays 6:30- 8:00pm-with Mathew  - Sydney Time Zone

Meeting ID: 8616749815  Password: gemof2020

~Weekly training in - and for - Yantra Yoga~
Must have received instruction in the Preliminary practices at least.
Develop your Yantra practice with weekly training to:

  • Clarify instructions
  • Build and support your capacity, including Respira method for better breathing
  • Practice together

New Participants are welcome at any time.

SUNDAY Mornings -
Beginners' Yantra with Emily Coleing

Open to all including complete beginners and those wanting to go deeper/refresh

11.30-13.00 Sydney time
Last Sunday session for 2024 is 22nd December 11.30 - 1pm NSW time

New Class time:
From February 2, 2025

Mondays 8.30am - 10am NSW time
Yantra Open level 
Preliminaries, One breathing practice, One group of yantras.

Meeting ID: 8616749815  Password: gemof2020

Open to all- Respira (Breathe): Sundays 4- 5:15pm with Oni
Simple and gentle exercises for effective focused breathing. 
We use floor exercises to retrain poor breathing habits as well as release physical tensions in the body that hamper optimal breathing patterns. 
A smooth and relaxing class for all.

On hiatus until January 12, 2025.
YANTRA ON THE CHAIR- 10:30-11:30am- Wednesdays with Oni. 
Open - for those with physically challenged knees and hips. But also, for those able-bodied who want to focus more on the breathing and refreshing your practice of Yantra Yoga preliminaries. 

You will need a sturdy chair with no arms, and two yoga blocks or small stool.

Zoom Meeting ID: 
814 0004 8211
Password: lungsang
On hiatus until January 15, 2025.

Please use the form below to sign up for mailing list announcements.
ear loose clothing, not be hungry or full, and have an airy space to practice. Blankets, cushions and chairs are also useful.

f you would like to donate to support these online activities, you can choose PayPal or bank deposit- Reference: Yantra
Any amount great or small is gratefully accepted.